Greetings, from Dustin & Alli
Welcome to our Marriage Event page!
Hello. (scroll down)
Crosstown Brewing Co.
1264 Concourse Ave
Memphis, TN 38104
Saturday, September 30th
7pm - 9pm
You can expect free tacos! Specifically, free tacos from one of our favorite food trucks, El Mero Taco.
If tacos aren’t your thing, here are some options for you:
Order food from the Crosstown Concourse
The Concourse is connected to the Brewery and offers free delivery!
You can find a variety of foods, including burgers, bbq, vegan options, ice cream, and more!
Eat before or after
With the party running from 7-9 pm, we figure some of you may plan on eating beforehand anyway! Memphis has TONS of amazing food, and we’d be happy to offer up recommendations for anything you’re feeling. In fact, scroll down a bit and you’ll see our recommendations!
Given that the party is at a brewery… can expect beer!
Crosstown Brewery is one of the best breweries in Memphis, and drinks for the evening will be on us! Please just use the open tab under the name “McCommon” or “Stokes” and you’re all set!
If beer isn’t your thing, the Brewery also provides water. We’ll also have some canned classic sodas on hand as well.
If you’d prefer something else, feel free to bring your drink of choice in an unmarked container.
Once we’ve wrapped up at the Brewery, we’ll most likely head out on the town for the evening. Location is TBD (and will be announced at the party), but feel free to join us!
For our out-of-town friends and family (or anyone who wants to join!) we will be reserving space for brunch the following morning!
Sunday, 11:00am
The Liquor Store East Memphis
669 South Mendenhall Road
Memphis, TN 38117
It would mean a ton, and help keep us organized if you’d take a moment to:
Please RSVP to Alli or Dustin as soon as you can!
“Frequently” Asked Questions
MIDTOWN- (closest, good option!)
21 Cooper Street: Tends to be little pricy, but good hotel surrounded by tons of good restaurants/bars. It is a fairly lively spot, though, so it could be loud. Wasn’t when I stayed there, but a Saturday night in a popular area could be different.
DOWNTOWN- (a little further away, but within 10 mins)
477 South Main Street
545 South Main Street
75 Jefferson Avenue
All of these are downtown, reasonably priced, and would be near good restaurants and bars, but woulnt’t be near the louder/livelier parts of downtown.
33 Beale Street
149 Union Ave
201 Union Ave
164 Union Ave
Any of these above would be good if you want the downtown lively experience. Could be a little pricey and likelier to be loud, but will be very close to all sorts of fun stuff.
1 Bass Pro Lodge
You guessed it buddy, you’d be sleeping in the pyramid-shaped heart and soul of Memphis if you choose this bad boy.
50 Harbor Town Square
A small, cozy sort of thing. Tends to be pricier, but definitely quiet and in a cool riverside neighborhood; like its own city.
Outside of that, you’d likely be looking at typical chain hotels of your choice…but they’d all be a little further away. If that’s what you decide to do, though, I’d recommend Germantown/Collierville or Olive Branch/Southaven. Something in East Memphis off Poplar also wouldn’t be bad. Cheers.
For Brunch:
The Beauty Shop, Bardog Tavern, Slider Inn Downtown, Sunrise, Arcade Restaurant, The Liquor Store, Bedrock Eats and Sweets
Young Avenue Deli, Maciels Tortas and Tacos, Aldo’s Pizza, Central BBQ, Local Gastropub, Huey’s, Slider Inn Midtown, Green Beetle, South of Beale, Brass Door, Casablanca
Din Din:
Rendezvous BBQ, Good Fortune Co., Majestic Grill, Blues City Cafe
Y’all are super sweet!! We’re not asking for any gifts or anything, though. The only present we’re looking for is your presence! Come hang out with us and have a good time….that’s all we’re asking!
If you absolutely INSIST: Amazon gift cards are always welcome!
Hi! Thanks for asking. This ordeal is, in fact, not fancy at all. I (Alli) will probably wear a cute summer dress or a pair of overalls. I’m not sure what Dustin’s wearing; we’ll ask him in a minute.
If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Alli or Dustin! If you’re receiving this link, you have their #
We can’t wait to hang out with you fellas!
In closing, here are pictures of Sweet Nala